CP-Symbols Mechanical

La colección de Simbolos de Mecánica está formada por cinco bibliotecas:

  • Standarized Parts (Piezas normalizadas)
  • Steel shapes (perfiles metálicos)
  • Marks (marcas y símbolos)
  • Hydraulics and pneumatics (Hidráulico y neumático)
  • Flowcharts and Diagrams (diagramas y flujogramas)

Estas bibliotecas pueden adquirirse por separado o todas juntas en un lote con un importante ahorro.

Mechanical – Standardized parts library possesses the most important elements from national and international standards, including:
bolts, nuts, keys, wedges, bearings and other.

In the Mechanical – Standardized parts library the following symbols categories can be found:

  • ISO (bolts, washers, nuts, countersinks, holes (through) for screws and bolts, taped holes, screws, rivets, pins, parallel keys, keys, rolling bearings, clevis pins, split pin),
  • ANSI (bolts, washers, nuts),
  • ASME (bolts, washers, nuts),
  • EN (bolts, washers, nuts, holes (through) for screws and bolts, taped holes, screws, pins, clevis pins, split pin),
  • DIN (bolts, washers, nuts, countersinks, holes (through) for screws and bolts, taped holes, screws, rivets, shafting collars, pins, parallel keys, keys, rolling bearings, clevis pins, split pin, screw plugs, lubricators),
  • PN (bolts, washers, nuts, countersinks, holes (through) for screws and bolts, taped holes, screws, rivets, shafting collars, pins, parallel keys, keys, rolling bearings, clevis pins, split pin, screw plugs, lubricators),
  • GOST (bolts, washers, nuts, countersinks, holes (through) for screws and bolts, taped holes, screws, rivets, pins, parallel keys, keys, rolling bearings, clevis pins, split pin, lubricators),
  • general (screw connections).

Mechanical – Steel shapes library possesses the most important shape profiles that are used in constructions, including: shapes,
C-shapes, T-shapes and more.

In the Mechanical – Steel shapes library the following symbols categories can be found:

  • ASTM (e.g. L-shape equal angles ASTM, W-shape ASTM),
  • DIN (steel shapes – flat bars, L-shapes, U-shapes, T-shapes, Z-shapes, I-shapes, hollow profiles; steel bars, steel rods, steel tubes),
  • EN (steel shapes – flat bars, L-shapes, T-shapes, hollow profiles; steel bars; steel rods, steel tubes),
  • PN (steel shapes – flat bars, L-shapes, U-shapes, T-shapes, Z-shapes, I-shapes, hollow profiles; steel bars, steel rods, steel tubes),
  • GOST (steel shapes – flat bars, L-shapes, U-shapes, I-shapes, hollow profiles, steel bars).

Mechanical – Marks library possesses basic marks that are used in mechanical industry drawings.

In the Mechanical – Marks library the following symbols categories can be found:

  • joint symbols (left, right – without description, with description, with a closed description),
  • weld views (e.g. V-joints, fillet welds),
  • surface roughness (general symbols roughness, obtained by take layers of material, obtained without take layers of material).

Mechanical – Hydraulics and pneumatics library possesses basic symbols used in drawings of the hydraulic and pneumatic system

In the Mechanical – Hydraulics and pneumatics library the following symbols categories can be found:

  • hydraulics – graphic symbols (basic symbols, junctions, control methods, energy conversion and storage, energy control regulation, shuttle valves, pressure control valves, flow control valves, conditioners, measuring instruments and indicators),
  • pneumatics – graphic symbols (basic symbols, junctions, quick-acting couplings, rotary connections, control mechanisms, energy conversion and storage, energy storage, directional control valves, shuttle valves, pressure control valves, flow control valves, conditioners, heat exchangers, measuring instruments and indicators),
  • implementation of mechanism symbols and control methods (overload protection),
  • symbols identifying the direction of circulation, movement and location of flow,
  • systems logical fluids – elements of binary logic (A and B styles),
  • basic symbols,
  • block symbols (e.g. three way of flow, four way of flow).

Flowcharts and diagrams library contains symbols that are used in block schemes in many branches.

In the Flowcharts and diagrams library the following symbols categories can be found:

  • algorithms (basic symbols, loops and data processing, input/output devices, storage and memory, determine the relationship, additional),
  • functional diagrams (symbols – e.g. action, initial step, order; diagrams feature – e.g. connection, disconnection, pulse timer),
  • network (computer nets – e.g. scanner, outlet, computer terminal; network location, servers, servers mounted in racks, other – e.g. fax, cell phone),
  • BPMN – Business Process Modeling Notation (events, gateways, activities, activity markers, task types, data),
  • persons,
  • other (e.g. arrows, crossings),
  • entity relationship (e.g. 1 to many, zero to one),
  • examples (network scheme, algorithm of the quadratic equation, functional scheme, flowchart: electric, block scheme technological, BPMN scheme).

CP-Symbols program also contains general commands:

  • Lines (pipes, ducts, cables) – this function allows to draw single-line lines in a schematic view.
  • Frames and tables – contains a library of basic frames and drawing tables.
  • Attributes and descriptions – is used to edit attribute values of one or many symbols.
  • Bill of materials – is used to create specifications from elements used in the drawing.

CADprofi o CP-Symbols?

El programa CADProfi es más amplo que CP-Symbols.

Cada módulo de CADprofi contiene la correspondiente biblioteca CP-Symbols.

Comparación CADprofi vs. CP-Symbols Mechanical


La interfaz de usuario basado en Unicode soporta 22 idiomas, a saber, Inglés, búlgaro, chino simplificado, croata, checo, danés, holandés, finlandés, francés, alemán, griego, húngaro, italiano, polaco, portugués, rumano, ruso, serbio, esloveno , español, sueco y turco.

You can easily change the language in the configuration program.

Nuestro software está disponible mediante una bien desarrollada red de distribuidores en muchos países, gracias a lo cual usted puede contar con soporte en su idioma.

Máxima compatibilidad

Decenas de miles de usuarios en todo el mundo ya han elegido la solución CADprofi. La razón principal es que siempre tenemos cuidado de mantener la plena compatibilidad con otras aplicaciones de CAD en cada nueva versión de nuestro software. CADprofi se configurará automáticamente de forma óptima para ser compatible con cualquier entorno de software seleccionado (AutoCAD, Bricscad, GstarCAD, progeCAD, ZWCAD y muchos otros). Los diseños creados en CADprofi son totalmente compatibles con archivos DWG y DXF y pueden ser modificados en cualquier aplicación CAD sin la necesidad de lanzar y utilizar nuestro software. Desarrollamos continuamente la suite CADprofi. Las versiones con nuevas características aparecen varias veces al año, proporcionando a los usuarios los contenidos actualizados y nuevas prestaciones. Nuestras actualizaciones en línea permiten a cualquier usuario acceder de inmediato a las últimas tecnologías del software.

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